Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tentative Itinerary

Our group has so much planned while we're in Miami. I wanted to give you guys an overview of what we will be doing each day so that you can know how to pray for us.

Friday, March 18
We depart by bus at 12:45. We will spend the night in Montgomery, AL.
-Pray that we will have safe travel.

Saturday, March 19
We will depart from our hotel in Montgomery and finish the drive to Miami. We will arrive and check-in sometime during the evening.
-Please continue praying for safe travels.

Sunday, March 20
In the morning, we will lead worship at our host church, Village Green Baptist.
-Pray that God will give Patrick guidance as he encourages the church to help us throughout the week. Our aim is to teach the church how to effectively reach their community for Christ.
That afternoon, we will spend time in prayer, organization, and strategizing.
In the early evening, we will prayer walk the local area.
-Pray for our group as we begin our outreach by covering the area in prayer.

Monday, March 21 and Tuesday, March 22
Most of the mornings and afternoons will be spent canvassing the area. We will be spending time searching for divine appointments as we do random acts of kindness in the area.

We also have time allotted for "In Community." Patrick, our director, has called "In Community" a type of servant evangelism. I personally think that it means hard labor in Patrick speak, so please pray that we will have a lot of energy so that we can reach the local area for Christ.

Wednesday, March 23
I'm so excited about our project on this day. We will be volunteering all day with "Caring for Miami." We will be working with people who are underserved in Miami-Dade county. It will be amazing. For more info on "Caring for Miami," please go to:
-Please pray that we will be laying seed on fertile soil at "Caring for Miami."

Thursday, March 24
Thursday, we will be doing "In Community" work all day. I can't wait to tell you of all the different things we will be able to do that day!
-Please pray that we will have energy on Thursday.

Friday, March 25
Our itinerary says that this is a free day, but be assured that we will still be looking for opportunities to share Christ. I have heard so many encouraging stories about people who were able to share Christ with people during free time.
-Please continue praying for divine appointments even when we have free time.

Saturday, March 26 and Sunday, March 27
We will depart Miami and travel home this day. Please pray for safe travels.

Here is a list of people going to Miami:
Patrick Pulley (Director)
Lindsey Pulley
Royce Floyd
Daniel Hill
David Millerd
Aaron Cantrell
Joe Dunavan
Jared Pate
Seth Williams
Sydney Lessig
Jessica Pate
Tessa Behrendt
Courtney May
Meleah Gross
Tracy Smith
Rachel Garcia
Jessica Carreiro
Brittany Brewer
Jenny McGee
Katie Branscum

-Please pray for each person by name.

Our group only has $600 dollars left to raise! That's a huge praise!! Almost all of our money came in through donations and cookbook sales. THANKS AGAIN TO ALL WHO DONATED OR PURCHASED COOKBOOKS.

I heard that a few people tried to comment on my previous post but couldn't because they don't have an account with blogspot. I have changed the settings on the blog so that anyone can post a comment. Just make sure that when you comment, click the comment link, then mark anonymous on the "Comment As:" tab. Thanks for reading/praying!!!

1 comment:

  1. According to Mike, you should be arriving soon. I read through the itinerary, you may return with blisters; perhaps on both your feet AND hands. Have fun, the forecast looks great for us.

    Remain in His grip.

    Nancy B
    aka MOM
